5 Common Coffee Myths Debunked

February 01, 2023

by Diana Rosen

With more than a billion people drinking coffee today, this delicious drink is as popular in the Mediterranean as it is in Eastern Europe, South America, and even in Asia where coffee brewing is as much an art as it is a culinary pleasure.

Despite its popularity, myths keep popping up about its impact on health. Even though coffee has been the most frequently studied beverage during the last three centuries, myths about it prevail despite being continuously debunked. Which are true? False? Here are a few to consider:

1. Coffee Sobers You Up

Eventually … but not quickly enough for you to be driving!

Specifically, that familiar caffeine jolt can be felt about 15 minutes after coffee consumption, but does not peak until one hour afterward. Do yourself, and anyone with you, the favor of calling a car service or taxi. In fact, plan on it whenever you’re out celebrating or ask someone in your party to be a designated driver. This one action could save lives. Oh, and when you get home, get some sleep, and drink a lot of water.

2. Coffee Dehydrates

It’s confusing!

The water in coffee (98%) hydrates you. Consume too much and you need to urinate. Coffee does not dehydrate but too much consumption and you need to urinate. See the confusion?

The diuretic element of caffeine works as needed and even the Mayo Clinic says coffee does not dehydrate unless you consume 5 or more cups a day, which you should not do. The good news is that moderate consumption of caffeine in coffee may regulate body temperature, increase cognition, and increase metabolism. While all beverages contribute to your daily water consumption, make sure to drink plenty of water for best-case health scenarios.

3. Always Use Boiling Water to Brew Coffee


If concerned about your water quality, absolutely boil the water, however, always allow it to cool slightly, to between 195-205°F. Why? When boiling water hits your freshly-ground coffee it may cause extraction that is too quick and extract higher-than-desired elements. Careful extraction will dissolve the grounds by slowly releasing the caffeine, oils, sugars, and flavor compounds which will enhance the flavor in the cup. Releasing them too quickly will make the coffee more acidic than desired, even bitter. Pausing just 30 seconds will reduce the temperature and produce the very best of the flavor profile your coffee selection has to offer: Take this small window of time to assure smoothness, deep flavor and aroma, and total satisfaction on the palate.

Better yet, invest in accuracy in water temperature with the Lardera Smart Electric Kettle which can heat the water to the exact degree desired. Start with a ratio of 1g of coffee for 15-18g of water or to taste.

Or, try the all-in-one Wilfa Coffeemaker.

NOTE: The flavor of cold brew coffee and espresso are impacted by totally different brewing methods and water temperatures, so are not included here.

4. Refrigerate Coffee To Make It Last Longer


Refrigeration makes coffee vulnerable to moisture and odors and may result in a brew that tastes stale or “off” to the palate. Buy what you need, store in nitrogen-flush packs or other airtight containers, and place in a cool, dry cupboard.

Do not store near the stove or on the counter, especially if your kitchen is brightly lit by the sun. Our suggestion: purchase in two-week supplies for ultimate freshness and pure coffee flavor pleasure and drink promptly.

5. Coffee Stunts Your Growth, Harms Your Bones


Coffee researchers explored the link of osteoporosis to coffee drinking. What did they find? No correlation. What IS true is that osteoporosis, which is thinning of the bones, results from the lack of calcium and vitamin D, so add those supplements to your diet if you’re concerned about bone health.

Another truth, a minuscule amount of calcium is lost with a cup of coffee, so if this is a concern, add 2 tablespoons of milk or cream to your cup of coffee. The flavor result is luxurious mouth feel and soft coffee flavor.